Every so often, you hear about wrong-way accidents in Florida. Some of them are minor, such as a person turning the wrong way down a small one-way street or an alley. But many of them are very serious, especially when they happen on the interstate. These accidents are very likely to be fatal or to leave victims with significant injuries.
You know that you face this risk from other drivers, but you may not be sure why. What would make someone drive the wrong way on the interstate without realizing that they’ve made such a serious mistake?
As you may suspect, though, the most common reason is just that those drivers are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. They’re not thinking clearly, their judgment is impaired and they may have no idea that they’re even driving in the wrong direction.
What should you do?
You should always be alert when driving on the interstate, especially at night. Many of these wrong-way accidents happen after midnight, so you should watch for headlights coming toward you. If you see them, try to safely move to the side of the road, flash your lights and honk your horn.
It can also help to drive in the right lane most of the time. If the wrong-way driver is doing the same thing, their “right” lane will be your left lane. This makes it easier to avoid a high-speed collision.
But, to some degree, this is just a risk you must face because you can’t control the actions of other drivers. If one of them injures you in an accident, then you need to know how to seek financial compensation for medical bills and related costs.