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How bad is distracted driving, really?

On Behalf of | Jul 18, 2024 | Auto Accidents

Everybody knows that distracted driving is a problem. Ad campaigns are everywhere reminding drivers to pay attention behind the wheel, and Florida Statute 316.305 bars drivers from using their hands to operate any wireless communication device while they’re operating a motor vehicle. 

Despite all the measures taken to prevent distracted driving, however, it’s still a major issue. In Florida, car accidents happen an average of every 44 seconds – and one out of seven involves a distracted driver.

Manual, visual and cognitive distractions abound

Much of the time, legal measures and ad campaigns focus on the most obvious cause of distracted driving in the modern era: Smartphones. It’s no coincidence that distracted driving accidents started to rise once the smartphone became popular. Those little devices are everywhere, and they’re meant to be addictive – so many people struggle to keep their hands off them while driving.

However, manual distractions – like texting, adjusting the GPS or changing the music that’s playing – are only part of the equation when it comes to distracted driving. Visual distractions, which involve a driver taking their eyes off the road for even a few seconds, are another major issue. These can happen just because a driver is checking their appearance in the rearview mirror or looking over the seat to see what their kids or dog is doing in the back.

Finally, the distractions can come “from inside the house,” so to speak, and be purely cognitive. A driver who is replaying an argument with their spouse in their head or daydreaming about their weekend plans may look like they’re focused on the road ahead but be a million miles away in their thoughts. 

All you can do to minimize the impact of distracted driving on your world is to be conscious of the problem and work hard to not add to the trouble. If you do end up in a wreck with a distracted driver, learning more about your legal options can help.



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